Photos and Documentation
by Joel Bruner

(in order of occurance, oldest->newest)

/oaxaca : vacation to Oaxaca for Day of the Dead Nov. 1, 2001

/jbbash : video stills from my crazy birthday party

/jun15 : a day in the life with a digital camera

/skyword : 3 graphic experiments each more obtuse than the last

/solstice : Summer Solstice at the MCA 2002

/july04 : God Bless America!

Solder Buddy : Radio Shack solder buddy comes alive!

/reno02 : Crazy family vacation in Reno with the parents!

/lumpenwave : Oh yah! THE party of Summer 2002

Hair Cut : Sometimes you just need a radical change

/hammond : Chicago artists invade hammond!

/michigan02 : from chicago to detroit, destination State Fair

/select4 : THE karaoke/magazine release party of late summer

/futurefashion : What garments and garb will the future bring?

/modsquare : Liz's online mag opens at bruner and bay with great music

/loveisthelaw : it is, it was, it shall be

/byeyoshie : Yoshie the jet setting sextivist gets a lovely going away with friends

/halikahiki : Sarah and Logan celebrate their birthday at the best Tiki bar in Illinois

/death : Fluxcore gathered some great works their for a special Day of the Dead show

/hallowave : THE costume concert/ball of Fall 2002

/exacto : what happens when you plunge an exacto knife into your arm?

/pj2003 : Pajama Party for New Years Eve 2002

/haircut : Yoshie had a haircutting party at the Asian Sweatshop

/tenbyten : Ten by Ten put on quite a spectacle at Open End Gallery

/eskimo: The eskimo show presented by Fluxcore at Heaven Gallery -- remember!?

/indiana: Logan's gallery show @ Uncle Freddy's Gallery in Hammond Indiana

/softwear: softwear fashion and music party presented by modsquare @ buddy

/moroadtrip: drove to Hannibal and then to Kansas City during the Memorial Day weekend

/freedom: Freedom Fest Fashion Show

/blacklight: Black and Body Paint @ Bruner and Bay

/nicole: Nicole's going away to Africa bash

/select7: The Select 7 occupation during the Pilsen artwalk, great posters, go buy one!

/byedougg: A great meal, a great great guy, good night!

/plush: Plushy New Year!

/ver04-a16: Opening Night

/ver04-a23: Version>04, Principality of Podmajersky, Defiance Gallery, BBQ...

/nfoxpo: NFO XPO at the Chciago Cultural Center, April 28th and 29th

/ver04-a29: NFO XPO Day 2.

/2manydjs: Smart Bar freak out photo shoot

/ver04-a30: 1/Quarterly Opening

/ver04-m01: Closing night photo melange.

/lincoln: My 10 year high School reunion in Kansas City
/lincoln/schoolgrounds: Revisiting the old Alma Mater

/mexico04: Trip to Oaxaca and Huatulco (coming soon -- oh crap, I forgot I forgot!)

/bughouse: the lively and fun, bughouse square debates July 31, featuring a terror free zone!

Bruner & Bay