Reno 2002
An attempt to recall some of the events and people from my "family vacation"
Reno, I took over 500 pictures, but I can only put a few up here... enjoy.
Monday: Journey, Arrival, and Lake Tahoe
Out the door to the corner bus stop
On the bus wearing my tight Square Bob T
On the train or should I say -- the Panda Express!
Last name: Johnson. Row mate, welder, character.
Ann: works in the "triangle shaped" building 8th floor.
"OK act like you something really cool!"
Ann is a little slow to play along.
Reno airport my dad took of work to pick me up.
Ladies in the lobby of the gettin' pretty.
Hurry up honey I wanna go gamble!
Hey Mom! Good to see yah.
Church windows in a house! What will they think of next!
Lake Tohoe - aka Lover's Lake! Ooh La la.
Oh yes, the water is cold, but so clear.
So very clear.
Dad surveys the view, trusty coke in hand.
Sun is setting back to Reno.
Tuesday: Back to Lake Tahoe
The streets of Carson City.... so lush and green.
Astroturf! What a dirty trick!
A microcosm: real estate, salons, gun shop,
hearing aids, cel phones, and car parts.
Oh and the Grocery Outlet next door.
For my crew in KC. Schwab! Yeahee yeah!
They don't beat around the bush in Tahoe.
But they may have campsites for that too...
Wrote my postcards from this pic-a-nic table.
Tan! Tan! Skinny white boy!
This is THE place to party on spring break.
The pilots call 'em "ghost trees" dangerous.
Wednesday: San Francisco
Not a UFO, the dome over the "mine" at the Hotel
Big day today chef! Make that TWO scoops of scrambled eggs!
This speaks for itself.
Chit chat with mom in the morning.
No Parkig!
Finally after all that nature something I can relate to!
This is a California highway - LOTS of POWER!
These shadowy men at the rest stop gave good...
directions to San Francisco.
Amusement park or slaughterhouse - not sure.
The tunnel approaching the Golden Gate Bridge.
Oooh, the fog approaches.
Movie Coming soon [through the bridge]
The shores of the bay.
"On strike -- All night!!!" they droned. It was heartening.
Gimme some money!
Let's fix up this old building and put some tourist
shit in it! Oh well. Looks cool for now.
This map was marked up by a nice man working
on tips... "hold it upside down or you'll get lost."
Fresh peach on pier 39, so good... sooo good.
Looked like he was just waiting to have snapshot.
He wasn't.
Warning: Skylights by the bay will get bird shit!
The scafolds in SanFrancisco are a bit different.
Here's the Map Guy again. He said no waiting for
a trolley at this locale but that advice was 2 hours old!
So, we took a cab to Union Square downtown.
Through tunnels.
Lookee, Ma & Pa! Laundry in the winders!
Just like in the movies!
Downtown! Oh yah... that's the stuff.
Ok - What the !? The facade's not stone at all!
It's styrofoam! Is this Disneyland?
Not entirely Disney, thank goodness.
Awww. An architect's Mothers Day gift.
A friendly robot stood watch in Chinatown.
Fortune cookies as big as my mom's head!
This man owns the bakery. Thanks for the sweets!
Brave rickshaw operator takes me Mom & Dad
back to Pier 39, half price! Only $15 & we were heavy.
Quicktime 1MB
Oh the carefree life of a bum.
Lovers talk and look on.... at Alcatraz.
Oooh. Most potent show of military strength!
A Heart for Kids? What does this mean?!
In the middle of the street. Saying goodbye.
Leaving over the Bay Bridge.
The working side of the bay. Salut!
I'm a sucker for a bridge truss and lens flare.
Hottest day on record 108F spent the day keeping
inside, watched My Big Fat Greek Wedding.
Met up with Logan's friend Heather at the
University of Nevada Reno Art Dept.
Rusty has a BAD sunburn. Thanks for sharing.
Heather, Jake, and Arianna, fun folks to hang
out with drink beer and eat strawberries with.
Sparks, NV. Law and Order at the street fair.
Heather's friend Chris has a jungle of a back yard.
I was really high. This is a good approximation.
My Reno tour guide and driver, Heather.
So drunk at 1am, Styx seems like a good idea.
So do eggs benedict. Mmmmm.
Friday: Peppermill Buffet->Virginia City
Here's the mine in the bubble, whoa, crazy no?
Crazy no?
Hat party at Sheppler's Western Wear.
Jello barbie?!?! What the?!?!
Top secret floor photos of the Pepper Mill.
Cycling neon lights, like gambling on LSD.
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This buffet (boo-fay) was the best in Reno.
Soon I was on my back, so full, the neon danced.
I did not do this. (sign in the soup)
He did! (or the porn guy on the right, he is really... don't ask)
Oh so that's how they get grassy lawns out here.
Gradients are cool, 'specially natural ones.
All the mountains have letters on them -- they do!
Gun slinger putting the moves on some ladies.
All you really need: Camero and a cabin.
Into the old mine.
Oh, thats what that long yellow thing is.
Couldn't go further because of the spider.
World's biggest free standing spiral staircase.
It rained!!! The townsfolk were REALLY happy.
This guy just cackled and spit out a fortune card.
It's time to go out with Heather and her crew.
See you later Mom & Dad.
Took a camera break, with Heather and friends
(Watched the Chevron for 2 hours drank beer)
Saturday Morning: Shit its time to go already ?!?!
Mmmm, a quality breakfast before take off. *DING*
Excuse me Cap'n, this wing is on backwards!
Heh heh. Looks like he's taking a wiz.
Layover at LAX - ah, let's have a beer.
She kindly mailed my postcards from LA. Thanks!
Pac-man from 3500 feet.
Wild fire a-burning.
Which one is for drinking, which for flushing?
Wow, what a thirsty bunch. Check out the depletion.
Landing in Chicago.
Just a camera kid. No biggie.
Yep. I'm back.
Greektown, just a another mile.
Ahh, what a great trip.