After some discussion of an upcoming show,
Elisa decides to do an impersonation.
Ron and Likalee are amused... Santi reads on...
"Huh? What? Oh she acts like this all the time!"
Then his shirt lunged at me!
Kelly and Mellisa look on... Kelly seems concerned...?
Ron is soon bored and wants to go do something else
So we ate dinner at Cosi's (eating is messy, no pics)
After eating we all went to beach
(and began looking for other places we could go)
The sun came out and people were:
and Shading those on cel phones. (Real slick Ron :)
We ran around for no reason. It was exhausting!
I recorded the insanity it on my camera.
(Filesize is 11 Megabytes, I recommend Save Target As...)
But it grew colder and we headed back to Rush Street
Where we came upon the Sofitel Hotel
It towered over us, and we were in awe...
The sun began to set, reflecting off a condo through
the hotel carport, and into my camera.... brilliant!
We went back to Elisa's, sat around wondering what
to do we checked email and listened to DJ Shadow...
I admired my new pants with white socks and shoes.
Leaning out the window upside-down I snapped this.
Handed the camera to Santi and tried to "look cool" in
my sporty jacket and shades.
We weren't sure what to do. (I think this picture says it)
And then it struck us: Brew & View - The Royal Tennenbaum's!
Kelly drove -- warp speed! Whoo Hoo!
We drank beer and watched the movie (some slept :)
The movie was great of course, no time for pics!
We were all tired, everyone was returned by Kelly to
their residences, Santi and Elisa, then Melissa.
I layed in the backseat, reminded of those late night rides
home as a kid: looking up and out the back window.
I took a picture...
or two.
And before I knew it, the highway had delivered us
to the 18th street exit in Pilsen.
I went inside sat down, reviewed the pics, and reflected
on what a great day it was.
Then watched Showtime at the Apollo - amateur night. Yes!
Documented by: Joel Bruner