Day 2002
Walgreen's was open God bless 'em.
Bought a portable hibachi.
The Kingsford BBQ bag is great! So
ea$y and $imple, just light the bag!
Mmm mmm: Strawberry, ice cream, Dominick's
tropical punch smoothies.
Congress theatre
Dave, Matt, and others are rehabbin
the Congress, nice work!
Up the fire escape, passed the high
voltage, then crawl up the roof.
OscoDougg! He was up here before anyone, just holding this pose.
Mellisa takes in the view in a very picturesque way.
There are so many fireworks in all directions! AWESOME!
Mellisa brought sparklers! Its windy, we light them in the beer bucket.
Gettin' some latin punctuation
up in here.
Out front
chowin' down, talkin' 'bout blowin shit up.
Grilling over hot coals in
a 50 gallon drum. Mmm Mmm!
Paul waves a tasty rib at the camera...
"Camp Gay Yeahee YEAH!"
Local stud Mauricio is on the scene. "You know who I am?"
Two lovelies by the name of Norra
and Cat, do: *Smooch*
Do Run Run and Wrestle-Time <?> wait patiently inside.
Paul Davis on the decks in the pink
light parlor.
The bathroom has no light, but holes in the door. Whoa!
And other lovely decorations, like chain suspended manquin torsos.
These guys have beer. We have fireworks. Trade anyone?
You can hold bottle rockets like this too!
This kids knows how to handle a roman candle.
Santi takes aim at a plastic cup on the curb. He hit it too!
LeDeuce worked it 80's style, he
kept us dancin' late into the night...
Thanks to: Dave, Doug, Matt, Kelly, Mellisa, Paul, LeDeuce, Santi, Elisa, Mauricio,
Norra, the two Mexican dudes in plastic cowboy hats and eveyone else. What a
great 4th!
Joel Bruner